Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (2024)

Examples of using Farms limited in English and their translations into Indonesian

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (1)

{-}Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (2)

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (3)

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  • Ecclesiastic Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (5)
  • Computer Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (6)
  • Ecclesiastic Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (7)

Obasso Farms Limited.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (8)Obbie Coffe Ferms Limited.

Investments on farms remain limited.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (9)Investasi dalam bidang peternakan masih sangat terbatas.

Unlike larger industrialized agribusinesses,the vast majority of cocoa still originates on family-run small farms that have limited access to resources and organized markets.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (10)Tidak seperti industri agribisnis yang lebih besar,sebagian besar masih berasal dari kakao pada keluarga-menjalankan peternakan kecil yang memiliki akses terbatas ke sumber daya dan pasar terorganisir.

It was found that grass fed butter contains substantially more CLA, vitamin E, beta-carotene,and omega-3 fatty acids than butter from cows raised in factory farms or that have limited access to pasture.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (11)Ditemukan bahwa mentega yang diberi makan rumput secara substansial mengandung CLA, vitamin E, beta-karoten, danasam lemak omega-3 yang lebih banyak dibandingkan mentega dari sapi yang ditinggikan di peternakan atau yang mempunyai akses terbatas pada postur.

Due to the Middle-East setting, farms can only be built on limited oasis grass, which ushers a rivalry among players who fight for the limited amount of farmland and resources.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (12)Akibatnya, peternakan hanya dapat dibangun di atas rumput oasis, yang mengarah ke persaingan di antara pemain untuk lahan pertanian yang terbatas dan sumber daya.

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People also translate


Farming activity is limited.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (19)Kegiatan pertanian adalah terhad.

Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited is an Asian retail company with its legal base in Bermuda.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (20)Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited adalah sebuah perusahaan ritel raksasa di Asia, dengan dasar hokum di Bermuda.

Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited is a retail company in Asia, with her base in Bermuda….

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (21)Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited adalah sebuah perusahaan ritel raksasa di Asia, dengan dasar hokum di Bermuda.

Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited is a retail company in Asia, with a legal base in Bermuda.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (22)Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited adalah sebuah perusahaan ritel raksasa di Asia, dengan dasar hokum di Bermuda.

For millennia medieval European antisemitismoften forbade the Jews from owning land and farming, which limited their career choices for making a decent living.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (23)Selama ribuan tahun abad pertengahan Eropa antisemitisme seringmelarang orang-orang Yahudi memiliki tanah dan pertanian, yang terbatas pilihan karir mereka untuk membuat kehidupan yang layak.


Urban farming activities usually utilize limited land in urban areas, such as in the yard of a house or office.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (28)Kegiatan urban farming biasanya memanfaatkan lahan terbatas di perkotaan, seperti di pekarangan rumah atau perkantoran.

Urban farming activities usually utilize limited land in urban areas, such as in the yard of a house or office.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (29)Aktivitas urban farming umumnya memanfaatkan lahan terbatas di perkotaan, seperti di pekarangan rumah atau perkantoran.

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Urban farming activities usually utilize limited land in urban areas, such as in the yard of a house or office.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (30)Kegiatan urban farming biasanya memanfaatkan lahan terbatas di perkotaan, seperti di pelataran rumah atau perkantoran.

Because of a growing population, while the increasingly limited land for farming, they finally decided to move again.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (31)Karena jumlah penduduk yang terus bertambah, sem*ntara lahan untuk berladang kian terbatas, akhirnya mereka memutuskan untuk pindah lagi.

This could be due toorganic farming generally processing plants in limited quantities and directly selling them to the nearest market from the location of the farm.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (32)Hal semacam ini mungkin saja karenapertanian organik biasanya membuat tanaman dalam jumlah terbatas serta segera menjualnya ke pasar paling dekat dari tempat pertanian itu.

Mnangagwa hinted last week that the Mugabe family owned a number of farms in Zimbabwe and that the government would leave them withjust one, in line with rules limiting farm ownership.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (33)Mnangagwa mengisyaratkan minggu lalu keluarga Mugabe memiliki sejumlah pertanian di Zimbabwe dan pemerintah akan memberi mereka dengan hanya satu,sejalan dengan aturan yang membatasi kepemilikan pertanian.

The United States has long complained about Indonesian trade policies,including a ban on chicken and other meats and licensing requirements that limit U.S. farm exports.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (34)Amerika Serikat sudah lama mengeluhkan kebijakan perdagangan Indonesia, termasuk laranganmenjual daging ayam dan daging lainnya, juga berbagai persyaratan perizinan yang membatasi ekspor produk pertanian dari AS.

Mr Mugabe's successor, Emmerson Mnangagwa, hinted last week that his family owned a number of farms in Zimbabwe and that the government would leave themwith just one, in line with rules limiting farm ownership.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (35)Mnangagwa mengisyaratkan minggu lalu keluarga Mugabe memiliki sejumlah pertanian di Zimbabwe dan pemerintah akan memberi mereka dengan hanya satu,sejalan dengan aturan yang membatasi kepemilikan pertanian.

Emmerson Mnangagwa, Mr Mugabe's successor, hinted last week that he and his family own a few farms in Zimbabwe and that the government would only leave them with one,in line with the policy that limits farm ownership.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (36)Mnangagwa mengisyaratkan minggu lalu keluarga Mugabe memiliki sejumlah pertanian di Zimbabwe dan pemerintah akan memberi mereka dengan hanya satu,sejalan dengan aturan yang membatasi kepemilikan pertanian.

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Instructions aren't limited to large farms, either.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (37)Tren ini tidak terbatas pada peternakan kecil juga.

The trend is not limited to small farms.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (38)Tren ini tidak terbatas pada pertanian kecil.

The trend isn't limited to small farms either.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (39)Tren ini tidak terbatas pada peternakan kecil juga.

These benefits are not limited to goat farms alone.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (40)Manfaat-manfaat tersebut tidak terbatas hanya pada peternakan kambing saja.

Experts believe that the five Chinese-run farms will, despite their limited experience, grow and cure about 1,500 acres of tobacco this year.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (41)Para pakar percaya kelima pertanian China itu akan, terlepas dari minimnya pengalaman, berkembang dan mengawetkan sekitar 1.500 akre tembakau tahun ini.

The early activities in the area included tree felling,boatbuilding and some orchard farming in the limited areas of good soil.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (42)Aktivitas awal di daerah ini yaitu penebangan pohon,pembuatan kapal dan beberapa perkebunan buah di tempat-tempat subur terbatas.

The Telegraph added that“experts believe that the five Chinese-run farms will, despite their limited experience, grow and cure about 1,500 acres of tobacco this year.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (43)Telegraph menambahkan, para pakar percaya kelima pertanian China itu akan, terlepas dari minimnya pengalaman, berkembang dan mengawetkan sekitar 1.500 akre tembakau tahun ini.

Presently, the company is operating as a subsidiary of Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited and its name is changed to GCH Retail(M) Sdn Bhd.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (44)Saat ini, perusahaan ini beroperasi sebagai anak perusahaan Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited dan namanya diubah menjadi GCH Retail Sdn Bhd.

Especially when located far from coastal areas, in the mountainous regions where fish and shellfish were not abundant andlivestock was only farmed on a limited scale.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (45)Apalagi bila berada jauh dari daerah pesisir, di daerah pegunungan dimana ikan dan kerang tidak melimpah danternaknya hanya bertani dalam skala terbatas.

At the very beginning, you will get your own part of a map where youcan build different oasis grass and farms, and a limited amount of resources and farmland for all players.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (46)Pada awalnya, Anda akan mendapatkan bagian Anda sendiri dari peta tempat Anda bisa membangunrumput dan pertanian oasis yang berbeda, dan sumber daya dan lahan pertanian dalam jumlah terbatas untuk semua pemain.

However, like solar farms, there is only a limited amount of land that can be used for wind farms before we completely remove the beauty and necessity of Mother Nature in favor of renewable energy.

Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (47)Namun, seperti peternakan surya, hanya ada dalam jumlah terbatas lahan yang dapat digunakan untuk listrik tenaga angin sebelum kita benar-benar menghapus dan perlunya keindahan alam yang mendukung energi terbarukan.

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Farms Limited In Indonesian - Translations And Usage Examples (2024)


What is farm in Indonesia? ›

an area of land, including buildings, used for growing crops, breeding and keeping cows, sheep, pigs etc. perladangan.

How big are the farms in Indonesia? ›

Arable land was an estimated 23.6 million ha and the area under permanent crops 19.0 million ha (Table 1). Farm holdings in Indonesia are relatively small: 34 percent are less than 0.25 ha and a further 25 percent are between 0.25 and 0.50 ha.

Why is it called a farm? ›

In the late Middle Ages, it was a common practice to rent or lease land suitable for agricultural purposes for a fixed monetary payment rather than a percentage of the crop. The sum of money to be paid was called ferme—or, in Modern English, farm.

What are the main types of farming in Indonesia? ›

There are three main types of farming: smallholder farming (mostly rice), smallholder cash cropping, and about 1,800 large foreign-owned or privately owned estates, the latter two producing export crops.

What is the average income of farmers in Indonesia? ›

Average daily gross wage of agricultural workers in Indonesia 2013-2022. As of January 2022, the daily wage of agricultural workers in Indonesia amounted to around 52.54 thousand Indonesian rupiah.

Is Indonesia good for farming? ›

The country possesses vast and abundant arable fertile soils. As one of the world's major agricultural nations, the country offers wide diversity of tropical products and important agricultural commodities; which include palm oil, natural rubber, cocoa, coffee, tea, cassava, rice and tropical spices.

What is Indonesia famous for producing? ›

In addition, Indonesia is one of the world's main suppliers of rubber, coffee, cocoa, and palm oil; it also produces a wide range of other commodities, such as sugar, tea, tobacco, copra, and spices (e.g., cloves).

What do they farm in Bali? ›

In 2022, Bali produced around 68.73 thousand metric tons of coconut. Cocoa and coffee are important commodities in Bali as they contribute to the half of Bali's foreign exchange earnings.

What is Indonesia known for? ›

Indonesia's main exports include crude petroleum and natural gas as well as rubber, coffee, cocoa and palm oil. Indonesia's islands are dotted with architectural remnants of Hindu-Buddhist and other empires. Borobudur, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1991, is one of the most famous Buddhist monuments.

How much is farm land worth in Indonesia? ›

However, rural areas still have the potential to offer agricultural or tourism-related development opportunities. The average land price in Indonesia is IDR 15.26 million ($931), according to the Bank Indonesia property price index of Q1 2024.

Is Indonesia a farming country? ›

As one of the world's major agricultural nations, the country offers wide diversity of tropical products and important agricultural commodities; which include palm oil, natural rubber, cocoa, coffee, tea, cassava, rice and tropical spices.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.