1. Shortcuts - Opera Help
You can set your own keyboard shortcuts. Go to Settings > Shortcuts > Configure shortcuts, and change existing shortcuts or create your own.
Command the browser with your mouse Opera's mouse gestures let you perform common browsing actions with quick, small mouse movements. To enable or disable mouse gestures: Go to Settings. Click Advanced in the left sidebar, and click Browser. Under Shortcuts, turn on or off Enable mouse gestures. Mouse gestures work by holding the right mouse button, moving…

2. Ctrl + Shift + C stopped working w the last update - Opera forums
Jan 10, 2022 · On my dev Opera (84.0.4295.0), Ctrl+Shift+C is assigned to Inspect element, which opens Dev tools also. I have not reassigned any keys here.
Ctrl + Shjft + C stopped working w the last update it doesn't seem to be working now. I did restart the browser but the problem still exists.

3. Testing and Debugging - Opera Help
Missing: hotkey | Show results with:hotkey
Introduction Testing and debugging is an important part of the development process. Let’s take a look at how to debug and test extensions in Opera. Developer Mode The first thing to do is to enable developer mode. You can do it by going to the opera:extensions page and then clicking on Developer Mode. Developer mode inactive This will…

4. How to Use Developer Tools on Opera GX | Browser Tips | SigmaOS
For example, you can use Ctrl + Shift + C to open the element inspector, or Ctrl + Shift + F to search for text within the page source. You can also use the ...
Learn how to use developer tools on Opera GX with our step-by-step guide.

5. F12 to open DevTools - Opera forums
Close the Opera, go to the Opera's profile folder (find the path in O-Menu>About Opera>Paths>Profile), and open the "Preferences" file in your text editor, then ...
Chrome opens/closes DevTools with F12, can we have the same in Opera? It would make Opera a more feasible replacement for Chrome. Thank you.

6. Assign Shortcut for Inspecting an Element | Vivaldi Forum
Missing: hotkey | Show results with:hotkey
Once again: Please add an option to assign shortcut for inspecting an element! Sorry folks, this has probably been submitted hundreds of times. but for some ...

7. Basic and Advance Shortcut Keys in Opera Browser - GeeksforGeeks
Apr 26, 2024 · Advanced Shortcut Keys in Opera Browser ; Go to the downloads page, Ctrl + J · Cmd + Shift + J ; Close Opera, Alt + F4, Cmd + Q ; Show/Hide ...
A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions.

8. How To Inspect Element On Mac | Sauce Labs
Oct 19, 2023 · Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Option+Command+I (⌥+⌘+I). Inspect elements: With the Web Inspector window open, you can explore ...
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9. How to Inspect Element on MacBook? - LambdaTest
The shortcut key combination is cmd+opt+I (⌘ + ⌥ + I). How to enable inspect element on Mac? To enable inspect element in the Safari browser: Go to Safari > ...
Inspect web elements to help developers and testers to debug UI flaws or make modifications in HTML or CSS files. Learn how to inspect elements on MacBook.

10. Chrome Inspect Element Tool & Shortcut - GeeksforGeeks
Oct 23, 2019 · The chrome inspects element tool is considered to be a developer tool created to debug the website. Right-click on any webpage, click inspect, and you'll see ...
A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions.