With 2 Americans dead in Matamoros, a cartel-scarred Mexican border town wonders what's next (2024)

Felicia Rangel-Samponaro, an immigrantadvocate who works in Matamoros, was stunned to hear about a violent attack in the Mexican border town last week.

The attack itself wasn't shocking. What surprised her were the victims: four peoplefrom the United States.

"This is a common occurrence. It happens all the time," she said as she crossedinto Mexico from Brownsville, Texas, whichshe does eachday to run a nonprofit for migrant aid.

"But it's usually aimed at asylum-seekers," she said, "not anyone else."

The attack and Tuesday's announcement that two Americans had been found and two others were dead–all of them missing since an apparently brazen daylight attack on Friday –have stunned the region despite its deep history of smuggling and cartel violence.

At the same time, the attacks highlightthe waysimilar abductions, killings or other violence can plague the community but draw little public outcry when they involve Mexicans or migrants. And with details about the Americans' deadly venture still scarce, it was unclear how either law enforcement or regular travel could be affected by the case going forward.

With 2 Americans dead in Matamoros, a cartel-scarred Mexican border town wonders what's next (1)

Brendon Tuckerlived and workedin Matamorosin 2019 helping asylum-seekers through an advocacy agency. When a cartel group disapproved of his activities, he said, hewas warned twicethrougha third person to cease his interactions with migrants. He later left Matamoros and today works as a project manager for Global Response Medicine in Reynosa, across the border from McAllen, Texas.

To have cartel gunmen shoot and kidnap Americans without provocation seems like a departure from their modus operandi, Tucker said. More likely scenario: The cartels mistook the four Americans for other people, he said.

"I would be absolutely blown away if they were targeted on purpose," Tucker said. Cartels "are going to do everything in their power not to put their foot in the ant pile that is the United States government. ... There is no way for a cartel to have done this for it to be beneficial to them."

Federal investigators believe the group was mistakenly targeted and there was nothing to indicate they were in Mexico for any other purpose than a medical procedure, a person familiar with the investigation said. Anofficial statement called the caseonly "an ongoing criminal investigation."

Zalandria Brown of Florence, South Carolina, said authorities told her her younger brother, Zindell Brown, 28, was among the four Americans in the case.

“This is like a bad dream you wish you could wake up from,” Brown told The Associated Press. “To see a member of your family thrown in the back of a truck and dragged, it is just unbelievable."

Four Americans in Mexico

With 2 Americans dead in Matamoros, a cartel-scarred Mexican border town wonders what's next (2)

Video posted to social media Friday showed men with assault rifles and tan body armor loading four people into the bed of a white pickup in broad daylight.News photos from the scene showed Mexican security forces around a white minivan with North Carolina plates.

But it was this week that the apparent identities of the people involved became clear.

Brown said the four had traveled together from South Carolina so one of them could get a tummy tuck from a doctor inMatamoros.

Mexican officials said Friday's attack and abduction happened just 2½ hours after the group crossed the border for a medical appointment.

Tamaulipas state Attorney General Irving Barrios Mojica said the victimswerefoundTuesday around 8 a.m. in a house outside Matamoros.

Oneof the surviving U.S. citizens was found wounded and the other was unharmed, Tamaulipas Gov. Américo Villarreal said after confirming two Americans died.A suspect who was standing guard over them has been arrested.

Barrios Mojica said no ransom had been demanded.

Both survivors were returned to the United States on Tuesday,in aconvoy of ambulances and SUVs that was escorted by Mexican military Humvees and National Guard trucks with mounted machine guns.

Many Americans visit

The State Department lists Tamaulipas as a Level 4, Do Not Travel destination. But Americans still cross the border overland – to visit extended families that straddle or for less expensive medical care.

Charlene D’Cruz, an immigration attorney in Brownsville who works with asylum-seekers and travels frequently to Matamoros, said it's not uncommon for U.S. citizens to travel to Matamoros for medical procedures ranging from dental work to cancer treatment to cosmetic surgeryand cheaper prescriptions. The treatments are often offered at a fraction of U.S. costs,she said.

One place in particular, the Centro Medico Internacional, houses doctors specializing in an array of specialties,saidD'Cruz, who traveled there last year for a respiratory exam.The new case has made her and others postpone future trips, she said.

"This is brutal," D'Cruz said. "It's horrible."

With 2 Americans dead in Matamoros, a cartel-scarred Mexican border town wonders what's next (3)

For people who live on the Mexican side of the border, the situation may be different.

Advocates have been warning for years that migrants were being kidnapped, extorted and killed in north Mexican border towns such as Matamoros, Reynosa and Nueva Laredo as they waited their turn to seek asylum in the United States. Butrarely did that violence extend to U.S. citizens, they said. Cartels would prefer not to draw U.S. attention to their illicit activities.

People working with migrants in Tamaulipas,though, say migrants must pay the cartel to transit the state and for permission to attempt crossings of the Rio Grande into the United States. Some say migrants in Matamoros are extorted by the cartel to be allowed free movement.

“You pay a fee, and they give you a code … and then they check your code,” said Abraham Barberi, a U.S.-citizen pastor operating a migrant shelter in Matamoros. “It’s a one-time deal.”

Kidnappings difficult to quantify

Duncan Wood, vice president of the Wilson Center, a Washington-based think tank, and senior adviser to the Mexico Institute, said cartels and criminal groups may target migrants or wealthy people but tend to avoid everyday U.S. citizens because of the attention such cases carry.

Even though Matamoros is in Tamaulipas, which theU.S. State Department says travelers should avoid because of the danger of kidnapping and other crimes, he said it was possible the Americans were mistaken for rivals or migrants.

“If they were, in fact, going over for medical tourism, which happens all the time, then generally they would have been left alone by Mexican organized crime,” he said.

Wood, who spent 17 years living in Mexico and has studied the country for nearly three decades, said he knows the pain such incidents can cause. When he was a professor, he said, several of his students were kidnapped for ransom.

The overall prevalence of kidnappings is difficult to accurately quantify, he said. Many aren’t reported including when families believe police can’t effectively investigate or kept quiet when a kidnapped wealthy executive is freed after paying a private ransom.

Along with high-profile cases, there are what's known as “express kidnappings” in Mexico, he said, when assailants hold a person in a car until they can withdraw cash from an ATM over two days before they are dropped off.

Today, partly because of clashes among rival cartels over disputed territory in Tamaulipasand criminals who prey on migrants trying to cross the border, it’s a place he avoids.

“I would not go into Matamoros,” he said.“It's just not safe.”

Wood said the abductionsprobably will add fuel to the combustibleU.S. political debateover border security and how to address Mexican drug cartels.

Already this week, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., called on the Biden administrationto ramp up pressure on Mexican drug cartels.

Is Mexico safe overall?

Security analysts say many parts of the country are safe for tourists, such as Mexico City and major beach destinations such as Los Cabos and Cancún. But large swaths of Mexico fall under the control of cartels.

With 2 Americans dead in Matamoros, a cartel-scarred Mexican border town wonders what's next (4)

“There are many Mexicos,” said Falko Ernst, senior Mexico analyst for the International Crisis Group. “You have to pay attention to which one you’re going to.”

Last August, the State Department issued an updated travel advisoryfor Americans visiting Mexico, including new state-level advice and information on "kidnapping risk," and cited an "increased risk of crime and kidnapping" in certain areas of Mexico.

Laura Calderon, program director of Justice in Mexico, a research initiative at the University of San Diego, said kidnappings in Mexico dipped during the COVID-19 pandemic in part because cartels had to spend more time finding ways to transport drugs.

But conflict has flared in Tamaulipas over the past 15 years as the incumbent Gulf Cartel – founded in Matamoros – fragmented, starting with its notoriously violent armed wing, Los Zetas. Analysts say factions of the Gulf Cartel are fighting over the crime territory in Matamoros, which is coveted as a corridor for drug smuggling.

Wrong place, wrong time

American visitors who experience violence in Mexico, whether it’s cartel crossfire near a resort or crime along the U.S. border, are most often in the wrong place at the wrong time, said Adam Gonzales, CEO of security consultants Hyperion Services, which has worked on kidnapping cases in Mexico.

Across the globe, an estimated200 to 300 Americans are kidnapped overseas each year, according to the nonprofit group Hostage U.S., which aids families of kidnapping victims.

Lorenzo Ortiz, a pastor based in Laredo, Texas, has been sheltering migrants in Nuevo Laredo for years. He has an unspoken agreement with the area's cartels, whose leaders allow him to shuttle and shelter asylum-seekersso long as it doesn't interfere with their criminalactivities, he said.

Last year, armed men kidnapped Ortiz, a U.S. citizen, at gunpoint and held him in a safe house for 24 hours. He was abruptly released the next day. He later learned that several other criminal groups had pressured his captors to release him because they didn't want the U.S. government targeting them.

"Cartels don't usually target U.S. citizens," he said. "Something weird happened there."

Contributing: David Agren

Chris Kenning and Rick Jervis are national correspondents. Reach them at ckenning@usatoday.com and rjervis@usatoday.com, and on Twitter@chris_kenning, @MrRJervis.

With 2 Americans dead in Matamoros, a cartel-scarred Mexican border town wonders what's next (2024)


Is it safe to go to Matamoros? ›

Regardless of destination, travelers should avoid crossing into Mexico via land routes, if possible, particularly at Reynosa, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, and Matamoros, where the risk of carjacking and robbery is especially high.

What happened to Americans in Matamoros? ›

On 7 March 2023, the missing Americans were located by security forces in El Tecolote, an ejido 10 km (6.2 mi) southeast of where they had been abducted in Matamoros. Woodard and Brown were dead.

Did the Americans killed in Matamoros have criminal records? ›

Investigators believe the Americans were targeted by a Mexican cartel that likely mistook them for Haitian drug smugglers, a US official familiar with the investigation told CNN. The official said investigators have not identified any concerning criminal history on the part of the Americans involved.

Who are the two Americans killed in Mexico? ›

Death of 2 Americans in Mexico resort hotel room now attributed to 'undetermined substance' MEXICO CITY (AP) — Prosecutors in Mexico's Baja California Sur state said Thursday that autopsies on two Americans found dead in their luxury hotel room suggest they died of “intoxication by an undetermined substance.”

Can you walk across border to Matamoros? ›

People on the US side wanting to go to Mexico can simply park their car on the US side, walk over to Mexico and have access to several tourist attractions in Matamoros. People on the Mexican side are able to walk over to the United States and have access to hundreds of retail outlets in Downtown Brownsville.

Is Matamoros cartel territory? ›

In recent years, transnational criminal organizations have fought over cities in the northern state of Tamaulipas. The Gulf Cartel currently controls the border cities of Matamoros and Reynosa.

What cartel control Matamoros? ›

The Gulf Cartel, a drug cartel based in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, was founded in the 1930s by Juan Nepomuceno Guerra.

What cartel kidnaps four US citizens? ›

The four Americans were shot at and kidnapped after crossing the border into northern Mexico for a medical procedure. Two died.

What is Matamoros, Mexico known for? ›

Matamoros is the historical site of several battles and events of the Mexican War of Independence, the Mexican Revolution, the Texas Revolution, the Mexican–American War, the American Civil War, and the French Intervention that allowed the city to earn its title of undefeated, loyal, and heroic.

Do cartels kidnap civilians? ›

Four Americans were kidnapped by a drug cartel, and two of them were murdered, when they visited the town of Matamoros, Mexico. So why would the cartel apologise for the incident and hand over its own gunmen to the police?

Where do most kidnappings occur in Mexico? ›

Mexico: main states in number of kidnapping cases 2023

In 2023, the state of Morelos occupied the third place among Mexican federal entities with the largest number of kidnapping cases, counting a total of 29 occurrences. It was only behind State of Mexico and Michoacan, with 69 and 48 kidnappings respectively.

What is the most committed crime in Mexico? ›

Although internationally recognized as a country with a complex and high criminal activity, where drug trafficking and related crimes are commonplace, pettier crimes such as theft on the street or pickpocketing on public transportation are some of the most reported occurrences in Mexico, other of the most common crimes ...

Who are the 4 missing Americans in Mexico? ›

The four Americans -- Eric James Williams, Zindell Brown and cousins Latavia "Tay" McGee and Shaeed Woodard -- drove the morning of March 3 into Matamoros, Mexico, which is in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas just south of Brownsville, Texas.

How many tourists are killed in Mexico each year? ›

The US State Department reports that 120 Americans of the 5.7 million who visited Mexico last year were murdered, which is a rate of 2.1 of 100,000 visitors. Regardless of whether they were or weren't connected to drug trafficking, which is often not clear, it's less than half the US national rate.

Is it safe to cross the border in Brownsville, Texas? ›

Basically, the further west you go on the border the safer gets to cross into Mexico. The border region of Tamaulipas (where Brownsville is the main port of Entry from the U.S.) is still not recommended for tourists due to cartel activity there.

Is it safe to visit Brownsville Texas? ›

Brownsville, Texas has been recognized as one of the safest cities in the United States in 2023.

What is the safest entry to Mexico from Texas? ›

If you are heading deeper in to Mexico cross through Laredo. The best and safest crossing is just a few miles west of Laredo. The crossing is called Colombia. Short waiting times and you bypass Nuevo Laredo.

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