The percentage is based on the film's reviews aggregated by the website and assessed as positive or negative, and when all aggregated reviews are positive, the film has a 100% rating.
What did Hocus Pocus 2 get on Rotten Tomatoes? ›
'Hocus Pocus 2' got a 2.9 star rating with one star reviews and five star reviews being at a tie. Top critics giving it a 67% rotten tomato rating.
What do the icons on Rotten Tomatoes mean? ›
Fresh red tomato. When at least 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive, a red tomato is displayed to indicate its Fresh status. Green splat tomato. When less than 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive, a green splat is displayed to indicate its Rotten status.
Why did people not like Hocus Pocus 2? ›
Hocus Pocus 2 is a lot of underdeveloped characters, teenage nonsense that is made famous in Zombies and Descendants. The emotional moments and real if character connections of the first one are sort of washed out and drowned by the overdramatized moments that do little for viewers like me.
Is 99% Rotten Tomatoes good or bad? ›
The 99% Club: An Ode to the Almost-Perfect Movie
The 99% Club: You'll find it, way past 98% on the Tomatometer, but just before 100%. Inside, a coterie of cinema's practically-finest, movies promising an experience beyond most others – movies that are almost perfect.
Is a 97% good on Rotten Tomatoes? ›
The average Rotten Tomatoes user will see a 97 percent score as nearly a masterpiece. “It has to be good,” they might say, or commercials will tell them, “It's the best-reviewed movie of the year!”
How bad is Hocus Pocus 2? ›
Hocus Pocus 2 has its moments, but for fans who've waited years for a sequel to the original, this is mostly a disappointment.
Why are parents upset about Hocus Pocus 2? ›
“The whole movie is based on witches harvesting children for blood sacrifices.” The mom added that while "everybody thinks it's fake and innocent," the characters in the film "could be casting any type of spell that they want to." "Anything could be coming through that TV screen into your home," she added.
Was Hocus Pocus a flop in theaters? ›
The movie's release date in July was a major mistake, as it didn't align with the Halloween theme and faced tough competition from other films. Hocus Pocus received poor reviews from critics upon its release, which contributed to its box office failure, despite its popularity with audiences.
Does Disney own Rotten Tomatoes? ›
In 2011, Warner Bros. acquired Rotten Tomatoes.
There's a full popcorn bucket for any film that receives 60% or higher positive reviews from audience members while a spilled popcorn bucket denotes a film where less than 60% of reviewers scored the film positively.
How reliable are Rotten Tomatoes? ›
Is Rotten Tomatoes trustworthy? For the most part, yes. The incident made public by Vulture could be very isolated and was for a relatively smaller film. However, Rotten Tomatoes has become unavoidable in making a successful movie, and if you aren't willing to work the system their way, it could mean a box office flop.
Why shouldn t kids watch Hocus Pocus 2? ›
Parents need to know that Hocus Pocus 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to Disney's hugely popular 1990s fantasy comedy Hocus Pocus. Like the original, the witchy sequel is family-friendly overall but does have magical violence, name-calling, and gross-out scenes, mostly involving a decapitated zombie.
What is the warning about Hocus Pocus 2? ›
Gooch first warned parents about the film on social and then joined CBS' local Texas affiliate Kwtx for a now-viral interview. “A worst case scenario is: you unleash hell on your kids and in your home,” Gooch said. “The whole movie is based on witches harvesting children for blood sacrifices.”
Why is her smile backwards in Hocus Pocus 2? ›
In the newly-released sequel, Najimy continues to use the misshapen smile, but this time on the other side of her face. "It's on the other side mainly because it's so hard for me to do it on the side I did it on 30 years ago," Najimy told Entertainment Weekly in an interview published Friday.
Does higher Rotten Tomatoes mean better? ›
The website keeps track of all the reviews counted for each film and calculates the percentage of positive reviews. If the positive reviews make up 60% or more, the film is considered "fresh". If the positive reviews are less than 60%, the film is considered "rotten".
What is a good Rotten Tomato score? ›
If 60% of reviews are positive, the movie is given a “Fresh” status, but if positive reviews fall below that benchmark, it is deemed “Rotten.” A popular piece of media will typically fall between the 70-90% range, but rarely, a project will receive a 100% score.
Does any show have 100 Rotten Tomatoes? ›
Other recent series with multiple seasons in the 100% club: The Good Place, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, One Day at a Time, Veep, Fleabag, Jane the Virgin, and Feel Good. Only Murders in the Building season 1 has the most reviews on its perfect 100% score.
Is 90% on Rotten Tomatoes good? ›
As the reviews of a given film accumulate, the Rotten Tomatoes score measures the percentage that are more positive than negative, and assigns an overall fresh or rotten rating to the movie. Scores of over 60 percent are considered fresh, and scores of 59 percent and under are rotten.