News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)

18-SECTION GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, GREENSBORO, NORTH CARCLINA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1951 WITH the WOMEN Series Of Courtesies To Center On Osborne And Walker Vows A number of parties the rest of this week and next will center on the marriage of Miss Margaret Osborne and Donald Walker which will take place September 22 in Asheboro Street Baptist Church. The reception afterward will be at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Osborne, 2714 Randleman Road.

Over 1 this week end the bride will be honored by a bridesmaid, Mrs. Clarence Pickard, Friday at 8 p. m. at her on Route 2, and by Mrs. Marlen Bass at her home, 1502 Glenwood Avenue, Saturday at 8 p.

m. Miss Osborne will honor her attendants at luncheon Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Covers will be laid for the attendants, Mrs. Osborne, and the bridegroom's mother, Mrs.

Sam Walker, at Bliss Restaurant. Mrs. T. Clyde Collins, another bridesmaid, will honor the bride Monday at 8 p. m.

at her home, 304 Waverly Way. The hostess is the former Dorothy, Buchanan. Mr. Walker will join his bride for the out-door supper his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.

J. D. Walker, have planned for about 10 couples Tuesday at 7 p. m. at Cone Mills Club on the Randleman Road.

Mrs. Walker also is a bridesmaid. Still another bridesmaid, Mrs. E. C.

Bryant of High Point, will honor Miss Osborne at a dessert bridge Wednesday at her home. Murphy-Martin Vows To Draw Number Of Out-Of-Town Guests Out-of-town guests are from throughout the state for the wedding at 4:30 p. m. Sunday of Miss Mary Murphy and Army Pvt. William Martin in Asheboro Street Baptist Church.

A large number of aunts and uncles of the bride will come, including Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Murphy of Brown Summit with J.

F. Murphy, and Miss LaVerne Green, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, Mr. and Mrs.

Hassel King, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Coleman children, Mr. and Mrs. William Carter an and Lloyd, all of Reidsville, and another aunt of the bride.

Mrs. Forrest Fulton of Winston-Salem with her daughter, Mary Ann. Senior among the bride's guests will be her grandmother, Mrs. W. T.

Carter, who will come from Reidsville with an uncle, Thomas Carter, and his son, Thomas. Also expected are Mr. Mrs. Smith Linville of Cary, Clarence Martin of Durham, brother of the bridegroom, and Mr. and Mrs.

J. Woodburn and daughter, Peggy, of Burlington. Another of the bridegroom's seven brothers, P. G. Martin, of Greenville, S.

will arrive with Martin and their daughter, Nancy. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A. L.

Brooks have returned from Atlantic City, N. where they spent a month. William Rudd will leave today for New York City to live. During the Summer Mr. Rudd was with the Parkway Theater at Burnsville.

Miss Dezree Bass of Fayetteville, who left Saturday, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. David Godorth, 1404 Whilden Place. R. T.

Coffey left Monday for Washington where he is a third year medical student at George Washington University. Mrs. Augustus Byers and Miss Mary Greene are spending this week in New York City at Governor Clinton Hotel. They will be home Sunday. Mrs.

J. Henry Dowdy spent the night in High Point as guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. David A. Dowdy. She went especially for the luncheon yesterday at High Point Woman's Club.

John H. Bonitz, who spent the Summer working for Seacliffe Equity Company on Long Island, N. arrived Monday and will be with his parents at 908 Sunset Drive until the first of next week. He will go from here to Miami, to resume classes at the University of Miami. Lt.

Comdr. and Mrs. H. A. Petrea, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, arrived yesterday to be with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. F. S. Petrea, 908 Fairmont Street, and Mrs. Clyde Stephenson, Mimosa Drive.

They came especially for the funeral today of Mrs. Petrea's father, who died Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsler McWhorter of Roanoke, spent the week end with Mrs.

Me Whorter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Crutchfield. 307 Country Club Drive, en route to Garden City, S.

C. They will be back here: Sunday and Mrs. McWhorter, the former Lora Crutchfield, plans to stay on with her parents through next week. Griswold Smith is expected 1 home this week end from Washington where he has been all week attendIng a property management school. Before that he was in Boston, where last Friday in Lying-in Hospital a second daughter was born to the Smiths.

Mrs. Smith and the baby, will be in Boston for a while longer. The Smiths' other child. Maura, is staying at Blowing Rock with her grandmother, Mrs. T.

H. Fleming of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coll Underwood and children, Cynthia and Robert, returned last Friday from New Glasgow, Novia Scotia, where they spent the Summer at Mr.

Underwood's family homeplace. After leaving Canada they spent a week in Lake Placid, N. with the Bernard Cones, who are now in New York and expected home by the end of this week. En route from Placid the Underwoods visited relatives in New Hampshire and New York. Party Will Honor Miss Mary Combs Miss Mary Virginia Combs of Route 2, Kernersville.

October 20 bride-elect of Albert D. Blackburn, will be honored tonight at Jefferson Country Club when five of her coworkers at Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company entertain for her. The hostesses are Miss Jacque1yn Pegram of Summerfield. Miss Peggy Stafford of Kernersville, Miss Nancy McKnight, Miss Eloise Nance, and Mra. Julius May.

Hartzoge And Neal Pair To Cut Cake After Rehearsal Final prenuptial entertainment centering on the wedding of Miss Mildred Hartzoge and James Weatherly Neal, set for 4 p. m. Saturday at Grace Methodist Church, is the cake, cutting the Mr. bride's and Mrs. sister W.

and H. Weaver, have planned for tomorrow evening. The Weavers will receive about 60 guests at their home, 1311 Latham Road, after the rehearsal. Since there will be no reception after the wedding this will serve in its place. Mrs.

Weaver is to be her sister's matron of honor. Last night Miss Frances Andrews feted Miss Hartzoge and gave her gardenias to wear and an honor gift of china. Miss Andrews entertained a group of about 15 at her home on Walker Avenue and was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Paul M. Andrews.

Bridal squares and frozen punch were served from a bridal table. Included with the young guests was the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Fred Alton Neal. (William Lynch photo.) MRS. JOHN DAVIS LEA Moore And Lea Vows Exchanged MEBANE, Sept.

Methodist Church was setting for the wedding of Miss Jeanne Wood Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood, and John Davis Lea, son of Mrs. W. A.

Lea of Burlington and the late of Mr. Lea, on Friday night, August 31. Dr. Thomas B. Hough, pastor, officiated.

Music was by Mrs. Gosnell, organist; Eugene Gosnell, tenor, and Mrs. Frederick Dudley, soprano. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of starlight blue lace over blue taffeta, fashioned with a fitted bodice teaturing self-covered buttons ending at the waistline, net-lined yoke accented by a soft fold which formed an 1 off-shoulder effect, and softly flared skirt of ballerina length. Her heart-shaped bonnet had tiny fles, and her elbow-length mitts were of matching lace.

She carried a nosegay of pink and orchid asters centered with pink sweetheart roses. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, gift of the bridegroom. Th bridegroom had his brother, Gordon Lea, of Greensboro, as best man. Ushers were Jack Capes of Burlington; Malcolm Lea of Greensboro and William Harvey of Burlington. Miss Lucy Lea, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor and wore orchid taffeta.

Her flowers were pink asters. Mrs. Robert Watkins, matron of honor, wore pink taffeta and carried orchid asters. For the travel the bride changed to a Fall suit of navy with navy accessories. The couple will be at home in Burlington.

As a climax to a series of prenuptial courtesies, the bridal couple were honored with a cake cutting by Mrs. Henry B. Dixon and Mrs. Reddick Tyson in the home of Mrs. Dixon after the rehearsal on Thursday night.

Enjoy QUEEN SIZED Refrigeration Cold-clear-to-the floor, modern electric refrigerators offer more space more service. NATO VAR Across-the-Top Frozen Food Chest Adjustable Shelf Space Tall Bottle Room Across-the-Bottom Crisper Dependable "Sealed-In" Coldmaker See Your Electrical Dealer or Visit Our Display Floor DUKE POWER COMPANY Sewing, the Piedmont. Carolinas. 217 N. Elm Dial 2-2131 Garden Study Plans Programs Mrs.

W. K. Lasley, president of, Garden Study Club, was hostess to her club at her Mayflower Drive home last night. Mrs. Forrest Cheek was welcomed as a new member.

Yearbooks were distributed after a business session which saw the year's programs planned. Mrs. W. S. Fox had as her guest her aunt, Mrs.

J. O. Simmons of Charlotte. Mrs. Lasley gifted each member with a personal notebook.

Miss Mary Berry, who has been in New York City most of the Summer studying at Parsons School of Design, has taken a job doing commercial art with Movie Advertising Bureau in New York. She plans to continue art study week ends. Maj. Gen. Samuel Egbert Anderson, commander of 8th Air Force, Carswell Air Force Base, Ft.

Worth, left yesterday after spending several days with his mother, Mrs. W. E. Anderson, 1006 Guilford Avenue. He went from here to Maine for an inspection tour before returning to Ft.

Worth. Mrs. F. S. Petrea returned Monday from Portsmouth, where she spent the week end.

She was accompanied by Mrs. Herman Norris of Columbus, Mrs. Jesse Nelson of Yatesville, and Mrs. E. H.

Hearn of Hamlet, who left yesterday after spending the night with her sister and brotherin-law, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Harvey, Fairmont Street. Pink and white cake and punch were served from a table covered with a cloth of imported white satin bordered in lavender taffeta. Tiny pink and white rosebuds and baby'sbreath arranged in with silver candelabra eperanettes, pink tapers were used for decoration.

Mrs. Perry Ritch, past president, and Mrs. A. Lee Forbis, past vicepresident, assisted Mrs. Lasley in serving.

Miss Cooke Weds Corporal Cauthren Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Peggy Jean Cooke, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cooke of Route 6, Burlington, and Cpl.

Leroy Vernon Cauthren, Marine Corps, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester O. Cauthern of 914 Cherry Street. The couple were married September 2 by Rev.

H. P. Gauldin, pastor of Brightwood Baptist Church, at his home on Route 5, Greensboro. Cpl. and Mrs.

Cauthern have returned from a wedding trip to Chimney Rock and Asheville and the bride is living at 206 Leftwich Street, where her bridegroom will join her as soon as he receives a discharge from the Marine Corps. The bride is a graduate of E. M. Holt High School near Burlington and of St. Leo's Hospital School of Nursing.

She is now on the nursing staff of St. Leo's. Corporal Cauthren is a graduate of Senior High School and has served in the Marines for four years. He is stationed at Camp Lejeune. IT'S RIGHT IN FOR EVERY CHILDREN WAYORANGE ACCURATE FLAVORED DOSAGE ST.JOSEPH Adult Dose ASPIRIN Tablets FOR CHILDREN: 50 Tablets Only 39cl LINDLEY PARK GARDENERS HEAR MRS.

C. L. WYRICK Store hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30 to 5:30. Saturday, 9:30 to 6:00. Save Lindley Park Garden Club had demonstration on flower arrangement by Mrs.

Carnie L. Wyrick of Friend 'Garden Club yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Percy Siler on Friendly Road. Mrs. Wyrick, joined with the club judge, J.

P. Lowman, in criticizing a coffee table arrangement brought by Mrs. R. L. Byrum.

Mrs. Lynn R. Leavel, president, welcomed Mrs. Marion L. Eakes to membership.

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News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina (2024)
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