The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

Carolina Beach Erosion Plan OKd A $15,000 project to prevent the gency help from Carolina Beach ocean from cutting a new inlet at residents. Carolina Beach was approved Brown sail the dike would not Wednesday by the State Board of be designed tas an erosion control Water project and would not take the place of Resources. a 100,000 to $600,000 projThe State will pay $12,000 of the ect now wader design by the cost and the town $3,000. Army of Engineers. The Water Resources Director Har- larger project has been in the ry Brown described the works for a number of years and as "a gamble well worth taking." is planned to halt erosion all He said it might prevent a storm along the trown's beach.

produced inlet whi: could cost. In reply to questions from board more than $100,000 to close. members, Brown said the $15,000 project would not be necessary if dike" Plans in call for building a "sand the larger, federal were at the northern end of the town, a dangerously low area constructed first. However," he said it could be as long as 18 he said. The dike will be six feet months bel ore work starts on the high, 1,500 feet long and will be large project.

placed 300 feet back from the "In 1 the meantime, this will preocean. Brown said he hoped construction could begin within the beach) a breakthrough (of the waless we have a real manext month and a half. jor storm," he said. Brown noted State officials began looking into that it cost the State about $1 the situation after Gov. Sanford's million to close a storm-caused office received a plea for emer- inlet at Buxton on Cape Hatteras.

Redistricting Tour Begins CHARLOTTE (AP)-A 1 team of state officials met in Charlotte Wednesday with a group of Piedmont area senators who were asked to sign two senate redistricting proposals to be considered at a special legislative session Oct. 14. Senate President Clarence Stone of Rockingham and Hugh Cannon, state director of administration and Gov. Sanford's personal representative, set up headquarters in a motel at the Municipal Airport. Cannon reported that the collection of signatures on the two measures was proceeding "very well." One of the proposals would redistrict the senate along population lines as provided in the state constitution.

The other is a constitutional amendment which would revamp the two houses of the Legislature and base the House strictly, on geography and the Seenate strictly on population. This proposal, called a "Little Federal System" after the Congressional pattern, must be approved Javan election before it becomes Cannon said he and Store were finding "considerable support" among Senate members for a con-, stitutional amendment. He and Stone expect to finish, their work in the Charlotte area Thursday and complete their statewide tour by the end of the week. At the meeting in Charlotte we're senators from Cleveland, Iredell, Richmond, Gaston, Lincoln, Rowan, Anson, Cabarrus, Stanly and Montgomery counties. Stanly Sen.

Staton Williams, chairman of the Senate Committee on redistricting in the 1963 regular session, said he was optimistic about the chances of a redistricting bill and a constitutional amendment being approved by both houses during the special session. He said the constitutional a tendment would have no tremble getting through the Senate, but might run into trouble in the House. "They are all split up," he. said, "but I think we can get the votes to get it through." Williams said he felt that a constitutional amendment ought to be written to become effective before the members of the 1965 legislature are re chosen in the 196 (L elections. The Senate has not been realligned since 1941, and the 1963 General Assembly adjourned without passing a redistrictin bill.

Fall From Truck Fatally Injures Teenage Rider FOUNTAIN Funeral services will be held here Sunday for David Bynum, 19, of Rt. 3, Elm City, who died Tuesday of injuries received Monday when he fell from a truck. State Trooper R. L. Davis said Byrum was sitting 011 top of a load of tobacco in a truck operated by Raymond, Donald Walston, 29, also Elna City when he apparently was blown off the truck by high winds The accident occurred on rural road 1506 about 400 feet west off its intersection Bynum with died rural at road N.

C. '1510. Niemorial Hospital in Chapel HEll as a result of head injuries. 2 p.m. St.

James Funeral services, will be held at Church sundarial will be in the Bryant cemetery. Saw the Light Too many green lights resulted in an automobile collision at the intersection of Clark Ave. and Woodburn Fid. about 3:20 p.m. Wednesday; Susan Rouzer Moore, 22, of Farrior Rd.

was shaken up when her car collided. with one driven by Betty Springs Lewis, 23, of 2041 Lake Wheeler Rd. Both women told Officer L. G. McMillan they' entered the intersection on a green light.

No charge was fill ed. Damage to the Moore car teas estimated at 4300; to the ILewis car, $390. News and ObserverRaleigh Times Want Ads 3. Personals RUTH ANN TUNDERGAN, your Dad is near death. Call home at once.

"Mom." (Signed) Mrs. Carlin Tuller. 4. Male Heip Wanted CURB Boys over 18. Johnny's Drive-In Restaurant.

HAVE OPENING for 2 men to sale and service Hospitalization Insurance on established debits in Raleigh Must be dependable, sober and willing to work. Good guarantee and liberal commission. For interview, call TE 3-4883 between 9 and 5. LOCAL sales company needs young men to train for supervision positions, high earnings while in training. Call TE 3705 for interview and aptitude test.

COOK, cooks helper. Apply in person, Highway 64 East. to 4 p. m. Charcoal Steak House CAN USE several part-time and fulltime men for local saleswork.

Leads fur. nished, high earnings. Call TE 4-7042. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA needs career salesmen. Leads furnished.

Call TE 3-0969 or write E. B. Inc. 622 Downtown Raleigh. POWER lineman, experienced only.

First and second class for work in Roxbora Oxford and Henderson area. First class rate $3.38 per hour. Call Hunter and Walden Co. Charlotte, ED 4-5325. 19 ENGINEERING draftsman for laying out, estimating and calculating loads for commercial and industrial air conditioning work.

We are looking for a man capable of earning $6000 a year or more. We do not want anyone of less caliber. An engineering degree or equivalent is necessary. This is a permanent position with plenty of avenues for advancement in this growing industry. Please apply in writing giving us a brochure of experience.

replies will be knowledged. Stah-Rider P. 0. 1271 Raleigh, N. C.

17 SALESMEN Two Raleigh territories open with direct sales firm. Car necessary. Call 828-2462. BELL'S HAMBURGER DRIVE IN, 1301 Downtown Blvd. (where you eat best for less) now taking applications for full and part time male employees.

Personal interviews between 2-4 p.m. and 8-11 p.m. No phone calls please. 25 SHONEY'S Is now hiring young men seriously interested in learning the restaurant business. Applicants preferred between 18-30 years.

Apply in person 2-4 daily. Shoney's Restaurant, Duwntown Raleigh or 2001 Avondale Durham, N. C. TWO men with autos to full or part time sales work, average up to $3.00 per hr. Apply N.

Person Raleigh, 9-10 a.m. only. FIRST CLASS, residential maintenance carpenter. Raleigh area. Truck furnished on the lob.

Salary according to experience. No time loss. Call 828-0538. ELECTRICIAN for private industrial co. statewide, licensed.

Write or contact Dillon Supply Raleigh. REAL ESTATE CAREER OPPORTUNITY Immediate opening with expanding company for aggressive young man to learn the real estate and insurance busi- ness. Guaranteed income while training to assume responsibility of bsanch manages, sales experience of any type and sone college training desired. Write complete resume listing experience, age, education, marital status and salary expected to P. O.

Box 1212, Kinston, N.C. EXPERIENCED gri'lman. Apply in person Johnny's Drive- Restaurant. EXPERIENCED week. carpet mechanic, The Carpel top a Apply Center, 2901 Essic Circle.

Glenwood Village. 26 APPLIANCE repairman. must be skilled in refrigeration, range and washer repair. Only dependable, sober workers need apply. Good salary plus commission.

Many fringe benefits. Send resusume to P.O. Box 248, Cary, N. C. 30 REFRIGERATION mechanic with 5 years' experience in commercial refrigeration, is desired by large food chain.

Top pay. Good working conditions with many employe benefits available. Call. TE 4-3411, Personnel Office. 14 EXPERIENCED meat cutter for service market.

Apply in person. Table Supply, Cameron Village. 3 FURNITURE SALESMAN: Married man with retail store experience in furniture and appliances. Selection for personal interview will be made only from complete written application in your own handwriting. Give age, references and experience.

Write Garner Furniture Co. Farmville, North Carolina. 7 SALESMAN. If you can talk you can make money with Us. Call TE 2-2038.

6 WANTED at once capable, non-drinking desk man for six-day afternoon newspaper in good county seat town. SunJournal, New Bern, N. C. WANTED Experienced telephone installer, call 537-2313 in Charlotte. 8 WANTED painter, white only, first class, must be sober and reliable, call Otis Smith, Franklin, Va.

562-3791. 717 Fairview Dr. SALESMAN for furniture route, Experienced in furniture sales and collection. $400 month, age 30 to 45, furnish references of past employment that will qualify you for this job. Star Furniture 601 N.

4th St. Wilmington, N. C. CASUALTY Insurance Adiuster, 3-5 years experience, under 35, car furnished. All fringe benefits, Call Mr.

J. C. Taylor, TE 3-4643 or write P.O. Box 12107, Raleigh. 6 IMMEDIATE employment for small manplant in Raleigh.

Prefer married man, mechanically inclined, draft exempt. Good future with young company. Call for appointment. Plastic Coaters inc, 828-8366. PART TIME openings men living Raleigh and nearby towns.

$30 to $50 opportunity if you have 20 free hours weekly. Sales and service work representing large company in your town. Apply in person or write J. A. Mier, 2005 Fairview Raleigh.

SHEETROCKERS and finishers. Start work immediately. Richmond, Va. Top pay, big job. Call 233-4782 person to person Mr.

Polyak, 3 SALESMEN. Major company expanding sales force in North Carolina area needs young men with keen desire to earn money, $125 salary, expenses, car, bonus, all extras. Some college or sales experience preferred. See Bob Greene, Snelling and Snelling, 1003 Capital Club Bldg. PAPERHANGER, must be first class for permanent lob, wages open.

A. B. Whitley, Greenville, N. C. 29 WANTED sheet metal, roofing and heating mechanics and helpers.

Brannan's Sheet Metal Roofing, Nashville, N. C. CLERICAL SUPERVISOR for night staff of fine firm. benefits $4800 NAGEMENT ASSOCIATES 212 NEED 2 men for sales and service, good pay, apply 208 Wilmington 8-12 a.m. 5 MARRIED man mechanically present Inclined if double your income you qualify.

High earnings, opportunity, bonus and pension plan in effect. Large company advancement possibilities. Sales experience Fairview helpful but not Raleigh necessary. Apor men living nearby towns write for appointment. 9 EXCELLENT opportunity for man aged 25 to 36 to represent nationally known concern in central Carolina territory.

Raleigh based, contact one man in each county. Sales promotion or merchandising experience desired. Must have a car. All expenses paid. Write Box B-262 care this paper.

5 1960 CROSS Lane, 50x10, bath, see 3. Buffalo Trailer Park. EXPERIENCED LOOM FIXERS for S-6 Looms. Apply Schwarzenbach Huber Box 343, Front Royal, Va. PERMANENT POSITION Married men for established route work.

Hard work, good pay for willing worker. Guarantees up to $85 week at start. Potential earnings much higher. Apply 2701 Noble Rd. 1 p.m.

sharp. RALEIGH DURHAM. Two work. $80 men for at local established increases route with weekly start, experience. Call 828-2967, 7 to 8 p.m.

Mon. through Fri. MILK ROUTE SALESMAN We have opening for one Route Salesman, good opportunity for right man. Must be from Wake County area, have neat appearance, good references, married, 21-40 witti high school education and enjoy meeting people. Apply Wed.

or Thurs. Long Meadow Farms, Glenwood Ave. Raleigh. The New Uncle Don's Barbecue House Needs young white men to serve aS waiters. Excellent working conditions.

Age 18-25. Apply in person to Mr. Rogers on U.S. north opposite Westinghouse, A.M., P.M. Sat.

8-12 A.M. 4 Male Help Wanted PART TIME Men now working or college students that can work 2. hrs. day or more calling on established customers. $2.50 per hr.

and up. Write giving ph. no. to P.O. Box 6039.

OPPORTUNITY SALES A MANAGEMENT Promotion has created a vacancy in our Charlotte Office worth over $10.0 per year to experienced and qualified man. If you have experience in Life and ospitalization with good record of consistent performance and reliability and would like to relocate in Charlotte this is an out-standing opportunity. We are rapidly expanding organization with unlimited opportunity for advancement. Applicants age, have ter. Write Galloway, P.

O. Box Interview Please give must be over 25 years ct good car and excellent characin complete confidence to Mr. Reserve Life Insurance 118, Charlotte, North Carolina. will be arranged immediately. phone number.

GREENVILLE MEN no phone calls. ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN Between the ages of 22 and 38. Have advancement potential in our sales organization that is unequal anywhere. We are one of the leading companies of its kind in the world. Immediate earnings up to $400 with advancement to $10,000 Annually when Successful Sales training program has been completed.

Contact Mr. Wagner, Holiday Inn, Greenville between 5 and 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. Good lunior, capable of advancing rapidly. Should have basic electronics knowledge gained while in armed forces or tech'l school or have hobby of ham radio operating, etc.

Start $4300 ASSOCIATES 212 RALEIGH VA 8-8274 SUPPLEMENT WEEKLY INCOME An outstanding national organization will employ above average person to work few evenings and an occasional day off. This is dignified encyclopedia sales work of national importance. Only persons who are ambitious, personable and at least a high school education will be considered. Teacher or ex-teacher excellent. Weekly guaranteed income for those who qualify.

For intrview call Ben Blalock, Clinton, N. C. LY 2-2144 Fri. Oct. between 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

5. Female Help Wanted LAB. TECHNICIAN. Lab. technician doctor's office.

Apply in writing, stating training, previous experience and references to Box A-136, care this paper. 9 RECEPTIONIST-typist wanted, apply at Stahl- 1010 S. Saunders. Mr. Edward 1.

Cole. COMPANION, housekeeper to live In, light cooking for one. Must drive. Phone 834-1202. 5 FOUR GIRLS to work in tap room HideAway-Club.

Apply in person after 6. 5 WAITRESS wanted, experience not necessary. Apply in person Howard Johnson Restaurant, Hwy. Raleigh. 16 EXPERIENCED departhent head in general sales, age 24-40, $44 40 hours, 6 days.

Apply in person, Woolworths, Cameron Village. NEEDED good dependable, capable white woman for full time nursery, some general housework. Room and board with pay. Mrs. A.

G. Lassiter, Phone 3252 Colerain, N. C. 9 COOK for small family, 5 to 8 p.m., 5 days per week. Must have own transportation.

References desired. TE 2-0331 earn from $65. to $100. Apply in person to Charcoal Steakhouse, Highway, 64 East. STENO: Executive offices.

Prefer minor legat exp. $300. Carolina Employment Agency, 122 S. Salisbury. 3 GENERAL OFFICE CLERK; early 20's, above average figure aptitude.

Salary $220 mo. See Miss Betty Surles, en's MAN-MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, 212 Raleigh WHITE LADY for general green house work. Approx. 24 hours can be arranged. during school hours.

787-0423. 9 WANTED girl to work soda fountain and grill. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 5 day week. Capital Soda Shop, W. Morgan St.

OPERATOR, experienced. Downtown location. Salary $250 mo. See Miss Betty Surles, Women's MANMAANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, 212 Raleigh VA 8-8274. 3 CLERK.

Top firm offers career opportunity to ambitious personable girl, insurance background helpful. Starting $275, free parking. Velva Stephenson, Snelling and Snelling. 1003 Capitol Club Bldg. 5 INSTRUCTOR- -Career spot for girl over 21 who loves children and has had some previous exper.

teaching Bible School, Sunday School, etc. Many special benefits including meals. Five days, no Sat. Starting $195. See Velva Stephenson, Snelling and Snelling Personnel Consultants.

1003 Capital Club Bldg. 5 SECRETARY Downtown Firm needs skilled well groomed girl for private office. Many benefits, prestige org. Starting $230. See Velva Stevenson, Snelling and Snelling, 1003 Capital Club Bldg.

5 DICTAPHONE OPERATORS Interesting, varied, temporary work. Apply Manpower, 218 New Bern Ave. COLORED girl for general housework. Must live in. Call collect 787-2058 after 11 a.m.

or after 6 p.m. 8 BEAUTICIAN or man hair stylist wanted in a winter resort town. Call OX 5- 3282, Southern Pines, N. C. or Write Mrs.

Becker, Box 1161. WAITRESSES Neat appearing girls of good character age 18 to 35. Parttime work on weekends or evenings. Good tips and salary. Apply Shoney's 2 to 4 p.

Downtown Blvd. WHITE waitress wanted, 2706 Hillsboro St. VA 8-9254. LUZIER offers you a money making opportunity full or part time. Call TE 2-9936, write P.

0. Box 12062. WAITRESS, fast customer service, day work, good salary, no Sunday. Apply in person after 3 p.m., 24 West Hargett St. 30 WAITRESS WANTED.

$40. per week. Apply Roys Drive In. EXPERIENCED waitresses. Apply Open Hearth Steak House, 525 Hillsboro.

7 NEAT energetic colored girl, age 20 to 40 with experience to work at steam table and salad bar at an outstanding restaurant. Apply in person Holiday Inn Restaurant, U.S. 1 North. 3 LADIES: Is extra money needed in your home? As little as 4 hours a day will bring you an excellent earning opportunity. Write Avon P.O.

Box 10632, or call TE 3-0926. 3 MIDDLE aged, experienced waitress wanted. Apply Swain's Chicken House. MAID 3 days week, 11. to 6, apply 3 to 5 p.

m. 13 East Martin. WOMAN to live in and keep house for 2 year old girl, references. 787-1604 between 10 and 12 p.m. WAITRESS, willing to give good fast tomer service in nation's leading restaurant and who wants good income.

Apply only in person, Holiday Inn Restaurant, U.S. 1 North. 16 WAITRESS wanted (white) $36.00 week, must be neat, pleasant, Apply in person to Manager, Red Wolf Restaurant, Cameron Village. WAITRESS WANTED. Opportunity to NURSES WASHINGTON.

D. C. Progressive Modern Women's Hospital With Excellent Working Environment Needs Nurses For DELIVERY ROOM OBSTETRICAL WARD GYNECOLOGY WARD SUPERVISORS Degree plus minimum of 1 year experience. $5118 to $6908. CHARGE NURSES--Minimum of 1 year experience.

$4620 to $5544. STAFF to $5040. 40 hour week. Annual salary Increases. Liberal leave and other benefits.

Premium pay for, afternoon and night shifts, and for on-call. Write Personnel Director, Columbia Hospital for Women, Washington 20037, D. giving academic and experience resume. THE AYES HAVE GAL Don't count yourself out on this one If your shorthand is not up to stuff, Raleigh employer needs vivacious gal 20-35 with apt typing, little dictation and a head for some figure work, Position offers fringes galore, 5 day public contact and advancement. Start to $280.

careers Exchange TE 2-3055 3 15. Female Help Wanted CURB GIRLS 3 neat appearing curb girls, over 18 years old. Apply Roy's Drive Inn. HOUSEWIVES Encyclopedia sales. Guaranteed income 20 hours per week.

Will pay $45.70. High school education, good personality, neat appearance essential. For appointment call Mr. Bunn, Sir Walter Hotel, TE 2-7711 between 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Oct.

4. 6. Male-Female Help Wanted WANTED kitchen he Dishwashers, cooks, cook's helpers. Raleigh's new and different eating place. Apply in person to Mr.

Rogers at Uncle Don's Barbecue House, US North, opposite Westinghouse, a.m., and 4.30-5:30 p.m. Sat. 8-12 a.m. PRICE SALE on everyday, Get Well, and Christmas cards. Tremendous selections $1.00 boxes, only 50c.

Ideal way for churches, school groups and individuals to make money. Write for information. The Card Shop, 315 W. Jones Raleigh, N.C. Phone 832-6421.

SALES Sales work for men and women, high earnings. Call TE 4-3705. 7. Employment Agencies TEMPORARY OFFICE PERSONNEL. Permanent and Temporary Employment.

507 Lawyers 834-9998. 8. Employment Wanted COLORED woman wants nursing, general housework. Ref. TE 3-6178.

3 COLORED, lady desires domestic work. 3 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL. designer with sales experience desires to re-locate in Raleigh area. Background includes residential design and construction. Write Box A-135, care this paper.

8 MAIDS AVAILABLE, dependable experienced, domestic help. References furnished, 834-4812, Raleigh Maid Service. Teachers WANTED: Sixth grade teacher for Westmoore High School (white). tact Mr. J.

C. Phillips, Principal, Rt. 2, Seagrove, C. or phone JU 1-4196. 10.

Schools Instructions IBM Classes. Day or Night Key Punch And Verifier Machine Operation And Wiring Computer Programming Automation Institute Of Raleigh 334 South Salisbury Street Telephone 834-1811 11. Nurseries Kindergartens WILL KEEP child in my home. Any age, 6 days week, any hours. Excellent references.

0918. 9 PRICE'S NU CERY and day school. 413- 417 Walton St. Approved, fenced yard, near Clarence Poe School. TE 4-2666.

NORTH STREET Baptist Church is now sponsoring a day nursery and kindergarten. Low prices. Conveniently located between downtown and Cameron Village. Call TE 2-8356. Modern facilities.

16 LONGVIEW Methodist Milburnie Rd Approved licensed Kindergarten. All day after school care. TE 3-5626, nights 834-6657. TINY TOTS Nursery Day School. Approved, downtown.

Infants separated, 828-9408, TE 4-7023 nites. INDIVIDUAL attention to all of our chil. dren. Will keep weekly or all day and night. Close to downtown.

VA 8-0494. BAKER DAY NURSERY Approved, excellent facilities, fenced yard, Near State, Mrs. D. L. Baker, TE 3-6158.

HAPPY TIME Nursery Day School. Approved. (Infants Separated.) Play es furnished. TE 2-2252; VA 8-9604 Nite KINGS NURSERY and Day school, 412 Frank excellent day care, well staffed, (1) child $10, (2) $17. TE 7020 Night TE 2-6795.

CARLTON'S NURSERY, approved, 117 Ashe Ave. Convenient to State College. Everything furnished. TE 2-5948. KINDERGARTEN and Day Nursery Hills vicinity; hour, week or dally rates.

787-0410, 787-1965. Elmwood Little Child's Schuol Accredited Kindergarten and Nursery 1525 Carr St TE 3-2161 13. Restaurants -Caterers DINE at Johnny's. Taste our special pit cooked Bar-Be-Cue. Open 6:45 a.m.

to 12 midnight. 14. Special Notices ALTERATIONS for men and women in my home. TE 3-0008. 3 VACANCY in licensed home for 5 elderly men.

832-4537. KIRSCH DRAPERY hardware, no length too long or short. Custom made and stock sizes. Bring US your hardware problems. Weaver Textile TE 2- 2445.

5 FOR THE best in oil burner service call Hart Electrical and Heating Service. 25 years continuous service. TE 2-6459. 14 YARD breaking and leveling. Free estimate.

Call 828-2980. 30 FALL PAINTING at its best, reasonable. Inside and outside. Insured, free estimates. TE 2-9752 5 FLOORS cleaned, refinished, dark floors made lighter, Fred Mitchell, 832-0185.

TOPSOIL, fill dirt, stone, bull dozer, loader, trucks for hire. Complete landscaping. Dial TE 3-9296. PAINTING wallpapering, residential commercial. Clean, efficient work.

Guaranteed; insured. Charles Jones, TE 4-3491. FREE Knit Lessons, sweaters, made cardigan, skirts shortened. TE 2-0486. PAINTING best time of the year is now.

Free estimates, terms can be arranged. Only reliable painters recommended. MMM Paint Center. 832-4821. CONVALESCENCE care, elderly person in private home, complete facilities, Constant care around the clock.

Blount St. Raleigh. VA 8-0494. SURVEYING and engineering equipment for rent. Transits, levels, alidades, etc.

Carolina Blue Printers, 834-6291. PAINTING, reasonable, rellable, best materials used. Free estimates, Painting and Decorating, TE 3-7275. ROOFING, SIDING, remodeling and new homes Estimates without obligation Butfaloe and Co. Builders, TE 2-3243.

CRAVEN PLUMBING and Heating ServIce, Dial 834-0696 day or night. Repairs a specialty. PAINTING, papering, carpenter repair plastering and patching cracks a special ty. B. D.

Thompson. TE 2-8452. BUILDING, repairs, additions, carport, painting, cement work. G. R.

Prior, Nights EM 2-2764, day EM 2-2584. WE WILL LEND YOU refrigerator while we make yours look like new in any color. Lynn's Service Garage. CHURCH PEWS, circle windows. STEVE'S MFG.

Benson, N. C. Hwy. 50, Phone 894-3563. GUARANTEED AND INSURED painting.

decorating and paperhanging. financing. George Viall, TE 3-8827. K. A.

MORROW House Moving Contractors, experienced movers, all types and sizes. estimates. VA 8-0575, P. 0. Box 1564, Raleigh.

ASPHALT PAVING Miller Contractor, Inc. 787-2442 Raleigh, N. C. Ph. 684-1665, Durham WE HAVE APPROX.


J. EARL CURRIN. 5 CALVIN RAY ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Driveways Stone- Topsoil TE 2-1443 Raleigh Wake Forest EX 5-3769 H'S FACTORY OUTLET 3114 Hillsboro St. Sportswear-Sweaters-Lingerie 15. Business Service Local WARREN'S.

Long-Distance Moving TRANSFER TE 3-4666 Raleigh TE 3-4667 RALEIGH BONDED WHSE. Storage17. Travel Opportunities COLLEGE student desires ride from Morrisville Sat. mornings to Raleigh. Also Sun p.m.

362.5501. 15. Business Service HOB Bellied MOVING STORAGE 19. Antiques FINE STERLING and ENGLISH pieces strictly from N. C.

estates offered disposal prices. Many collector Items. Diamonds and antique lewelry also fered. Visit "The ESTATE ROOM" at BREMSON DIAMOND 109 S. Wilmington Raleigh.

ANTIQUES -Hwy. 1, across from Plantation inn. Bargains! We buy and sell old coins, old guns and any kind of antiques. 833-1409. 6 CHIPPENDALE 3 chair back settee, claw and ball feet.

Boylan Pearce, TE 2-5841. A tiques GIFT will from retain OLD Its BRICK charm HOUSE an. and grow in value. Large selection, 64 East. JUST IN.

Cane Rocker, walnut coffee table, picture framing. Smith's Antiques. 4208 Holly Springs Rd. OLD COINS WANTED. We pay good prices for any coin we can use dated before 1934.

The Trading Post, Wilson, N. C. 12 ROOMS to browse for the finer things in antiques. Visit Lucinda I Rackley's Antiques, 100 W. Vance Wilson, N.C ANTIQUE LAMP SUPPLIES and wiring.

Thoinpson-Lynch 20 W. Hargett St Raleigh. OLD LAMPS rebuilt, rewiring, replace ment glass. Early American Lamp Co. 3042 Medlin Dr.

FROM ESTATES of N. C. and Va. Odds and ends. Many $1.00 Items.

The Colonial Shoppe, 115 S. Harrington. 20. For Sale Miscellaneous CASH AND CARRY, 12 in. concrete block for patio or stepping stones, 25c each or $50 for the lot.

833-8955. USED REFRIGERATORS and ranges. Guaranteed. Kimbrell's Exchange Store. 132 E.

Martin 832-8897. USED FURNITURE sale, sofas, suites, dinette sets, televisions, washers, dryers, electric stoves, etc. Carolina Trailer Sales, 708 Downtown Blvd. USED -NEW BIKES, come see, all sizes, bargain prices $17.50 up. Gladly trade.

Mr. Gunther, Siesta Motel, 401 S. Repair Service. Pick-up, delivery. TE 3-7850.

USED TV's $29.95 up. Nelson's Wayside. 787-2322. KELVINATOR HOME FREEZER, 5-year guarantee. Nothing down, $2.25 weekly.

B. F. Goodrich, 417 S. McDowell St. TE 3-3831.

USED FURNITURE: we buy and sell Montague's new and used furniture. Dial TE 3-9785. 19-INCH portable Motorola TV, new, nothing down, $2.50 per week, base included. B. F.

Goodrich, 417 S. McDowell St. TE 3-3831. FURNACE repairs and service. Fast and efficient.

All work guaranteed. Climate Control Cary. Phone 467-1753. REFRIGERATORS, ranges, vision, used. Guaranteed.

ThompsonLynch 20 W. Hargett. VE BUYER MEETS SELLER In Went, Ads. Extra profit for both. Dial 2-4411 for service GAS HEATERS, 93000 BTU each, 30 inch fans, 400 amps service box, 400 gal.

cast iron boiler. Call EM 2-2764. WE PAY CASH for used furniture and appliances. FURNITURE VA 8-525. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, diamonds, radios and all kinds of musical instruments.

We trade, loan or buy. See US and save. RELIABLE LOAN 307 S. Wilmington Raleigh. USED Kelvinator ranges and Motorola TV's, all guaranteed.

No money down, small weekly payments. B. F. Goodrich, 417 S. McDowell, TE 3-3831.

USED APPLIANCES Large selection. Refrigerators, ranges and automatic washers. Tested, Approved and Guaranteed. Easy terms. TUTTLE ANCE 612 N.

Person St. USED BIKES. All sizes. We repair all makes. Pickup deliver serv.

HILL'S 1720 Louisburg Rd. or Hwy. No. 1 North. TE 2-8172.

USED furniture and heaters (oll or coal). Also new appliances and TV's. RALEIGH FURNITURE STORAGE 114 W. Lenoir St. TE 3-3817.

ONE PIECE living rm. grouping, $160, Capitol Furniture and Appliances, TE 2-5817. AUTO. KENMORE washer, very good condition guaranteed, installed for demonstration $40. TE 4-0439.

USED ranges, refrigerators and freezers. Drive out to Cary and save. Hobby's Supply Co. HO 7-2311. $1 PER DAY rental for Electric Carpet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre Abrams United Rent-Alls.

NEW-COMPLETE 3 room of furniture. $388. $15 down. Rhodes Furniture Co. 301 S.

Wilmington. 833-5541. 6x8x8 Walk in Cooler Metal Inside and out. Delivered and installed $1345, Brown and Buffaloe, 223 Bickett TE 2- 9679. PORTABLE TV' with stand $139.95.

Capitol Furniture and Appliance, TE 2-5817. $50 CASH-To any church, club, organization for selling 96 bottles of Watkins world-famous vanilla. For de ails call VA 8-2462. WE BUY and sell new and used furn. Shelton's Furn.

Exchange, 2626 S. Saunders 833-5548. FIREPLACE wood. Place your order now. Oak and hickory, 362-9267 after 6.

3 FOR SALE living room suit and odds and ends. 833-7796. 3 OIL CIRCULATORS used $29.95 Up, Raleigh Commission House, E. Martin, TE 2.7741. OIL CIRCULATOR 70,000 BTU's used circulator $39.95 Nowell Furn.

128 E. Martin, TE 3-6383. USED refrigerators and heaters. Drive out to Cary and save. Hobby's Supply Co.

HO 7-2311. OIL HEATER, $9.95 up. Nelson's Wayside, 787-2322. SOFA BED In wine Tapestry or Dinette Table and 4 chairs. Used.

Your choice $15 each. 467-3884. 30 BEDROOM suits, ranging from $110. to $650. Will run from now until Oct.

15 with discount for cash. Mann's Furniture 1110 S. Saunders TE 3- 5822. 22 CU. FT.

Rich plan upright freezer, brand new, but cabinet damage, new guarantee $149.95. Terms available. Stephen's Appliance 1100 S. Saunders St. TE 4-0331.

5 DIAMOND SALON. The South's exclusive Diamond Salon is at 109 South Wilming. ton St. Here you will find a tremendous selection in all sizes and qualities at a savings. A written certificate with every diamond.

Terms if desired. Bremson Diamond Co. 3 FREE ESTIMATES on mattresses for your antique beds. Call or write measuring diagram. House of Sleep, 3913 Western Blvd.

DEMONSTRATOR close out riding mower, garden tractors. Raleigh Auto Sup. ply, 414 S. Salisbury St. 9 DIAMONDS, SILVER, JEWELRY.

Luggage, typewriters, radios, guitars, shotguns, other Items TE trade. RALEIGH LOAN 2-4604, 223 S. Wilmington. CLOSE-OUT on all used plumbing. CARRALEIGH FURNITURE CO.

1600 S. Saunders. TE 2-6402. OFFICE FURNITURE at close out prices. CARALEIGH FURNITURE CO.

1600 S. Saunders. TE 2-6402. HOSPITAL BEDS used only $39.95. CAR.

RALEIGH FURNITURE CO. 1600 Saunders. TE 2-6402. DIAMONDS at a saving. Up to 12 months to pay.

We finance our own accounts. A written certificate with every diamond. Buy diamonds where diamonds are sold. BREMSON DIAMOND 109 S. Wilmington Raleigh.

WANTED, CORRECT OIL for your car right away: What you want and what your car will shortly need will be the correct motor oil for winter use; probably you will find your favorite brand and grade at Sprinkle Gas Station; whether your car is a midget, or king size, our lift will take any kind of car, and you can get your FREE GREASE JOB with your oil change. Get your favorite brand that suits your every need best from: SPRINKLE STATIONS, 1420 S. Saunders Raleigh, N. C. Other Sprinkle locations as follows: 4215 N.

Liberty Holloway Durham, Winston-Salem, N. N. Old High- 406 way 70A, Burlington, 3800 E. Market and 2402 Battleground Greensboro, N. and Highway 220 South, Asheboro, N.

C. FOR THE BEST buys in new and used furniture. See US now, Kimbrell's Exchange Store, 132 E. Matin 832-8897. HEATING worries end when you call Carolina Fuel Oil Raleigh, Cary, Garner for clean burnira Gulf Solar off.

GOLF CLUBS, used, must see, $125. or best offer. 833-9365. 8 JUST RECEIVED a truck load of used refrigerators, stoves, oil circulators. $39.

and up. Quality Furniture Appliance 1400 Old Garner Rd. 832-6817. HOTPOINT electric range $39.50 apt. size Westinghouse BTU refrigerator $69.50.

Used 50,000 Coleman heater. Brooks Appliance, TE 3-4686. USED STEEL and wood office desks. cellent selection. State Office Equipment 832-0371, 1230 S.

Saunders. MILL OUTLET. New shipment blankets 79c sheets 89c lb. U. S.

N. Open Wed. and Fri. nite til 9. TE 3-3395.

ZIG ZAG sewing machine, monograms, make buttonholes and etc. on beautiful console cabinet, just assume payments of $8 mo. Only $89 cash. Archie Johnson Son, 2323 Lake Wheeler Rd. TE 3-2791.

REFRIGERATOR, electric stove, and baby crib. All in excellent condition. Reasonable. TE 2-3326. 31 TIRE 323 W.

Davie new used and recupped. Special low prices to dealers. TE 2-7758. BIO MEN'S SUITS, Jackets, shirts, pants. Extra long suits.

The Globe, Wilmington and Exchance Sts. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Thursday Morning, October 20. For Sale Miscellaneous REFRIGERATOR. call 4-7859 after 6 p.m. USED NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS.

Most any model, $75 and up. Guaranteed. 616 W. South Raleigh. R.C.A.

STEREO'S 14 1963 efferent models. Prices greatly reduced this sale. TE 2-8381. 19 R. C.

A. automobile "45" record player, new. Call TE 2-8381. 19 LARGE STOCK LARGE STOCK used steel and wood office desks and chairs. RALEIGH FICE SUPPLY CO.

123 E. Martin St. MATTRESS RENOVATED from $11.95 up. Furniture upholstering reasonable prices. Guaranteed work.

Also used fur niture JOHNSON MATTRESS 2621 S. Saunders, TE 2-5268. FLAGSTONE for walks and patios. Capl. tol City Lumber Co.

ENGINES prices slashed, 4,000 ml. guar. antee. Give your Ci. a new lease on life with a precision remanufactured enpine as low as $149 exchange.

Sears Roebuck Co. Cameron Village. TE 2561. SAVE UP TO on furniture, bedroom, living room, bedding and pet. Easy terms.

TIRE SALES AND SERVICE CO. 401 Hillsboro St. 833-2571. CONCRETE BLOCK, pavers and patio blocks. Call Standard Concrete Producis Co.

TE 3-3666 N. McDowell St. WHEEL CHAIRS: New and used. Also rentals, Orthopedic Service 102 Glenwood Ave. 832-6472 FOLDING CHAIRS, steel, heavy duty tublar, formed seats.

$3.47 up. tional TE 2-5251 14 Glenwood. SPECIAL SALE, gas furnace filters, best quality, 13 16 1, 75c each, Call TE 2-8381. 5 MOSAIC TILE close out special 90c a sheet 12x12 Inches. Howell-Sharpe, 122 Glenwood Ave.

A PICKUP Three rooms of furniture can be had by taking up the payments. Don't miss this. G. S. Tucker Bros.


"'WE SELL ON CREDIT." FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE 3 rooms complete $249.95 up. Low down payment-24 months to pay, CARALEIGH FURNITURE 1600 S. Saunders TE 2-6402. USED SPECIALS 40 inch Electric Range $49.95 Automatic Washer $59.95 GE Refrig. $59.95 Platform rocker $12.95 Odd living room $5.00 4 drawer chest $12.95 2 pc.

living room suit $49.95 Used Seigiler and Duo Therm heaters at give-a-way prices. SHELTON'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE 833-5548 2626 S. Saunders St. If you want to SELL IT the best way is TELL IT with a WANT AD! DIAL TE 2-4411 21. Pianos-Musical Mdse.

PIANO perfect condition. Lonnie Spears, 2715 Avent Ferry Rd. VA 8-4783. USED SPINETS priced to sell, recently taken-in on trade. Also used student pianos.

Reasonable. E. R. POOLE MUSIC CO. 116 S.

Salisbury 832-3040. SEVERAL good practice pianos for sale. Price from $85 up. Also expert piano tuning and repairs. TE 4-3265.

3 BUNDY clarinet, practically new, $90, HO 7-9461. HAMMOND ORGAN, First-class condition. Priced for quick sale. 828-3868. 27 SEE US for the lowest prices to be had on fine quality pianos.

We guarantee to save you money. Hopper Piano 113 Main Garner, N.C.Phone 362-1494, evenings 362-9348. BALDWIN organ slightly used. Special $895. Stephenson Music Cameron Village Raleigh.

PIANOS FOR RENT with privilege of purchase. All monies paid first six months will apply on purchase. Open evenings by appointment. MAUS PIANO CO. Raleigh.

TE 2-4881. HEADQUARTERS for school musicians LAUGHLIN Music TE 4-6647, Five Points. NEW AND USED bano instruments. Rental purchase plan for beginners. See US now.

BURRAGE MUSIC CO. 112 W. Martini St 22. Building Material -Supplies USED lumber, 100 8" ceiling joist 16 ft. long, located at the corner of Railroad and Johnson.

23. Swap Shop By owner. Trade up or down, or sell part or all of desirable Raleigh home and large property. Ideal for active retired couple or smailer family. Near bus, churches, schools and shopping.

Complete home, gardens, carport-hobby room and full attic. Would also consider a trade for property in Columbia, S. C. Open house 2604 Dover Rd. Turn west at 1701 Oberlin Rd.

833-1814, 24. Boats, Mtrs, Marine Supplies WANTED to buy. Boat motor and trailer in good condition. Call John Bulla, phone 239-3031 Lucama, N. C.

9 DEMONSTRATOR, off, 17' Glass Master. 75 h.p. Johnson Cox Trailer, 18 FT. PALMER Scott, fiber glass, runabout, 95 HP Cris Craft and frailer, excellent fishing and work boat. $1500.

Fiber glass fresh water fishing boat. Boats, motors, Trailers. CUSTOM repairing, fiberglassing, big discount on fiber glass materials. Stafford Marine, TE 4-3927. SHIP TO SHORE radios, depth ers, lorans, radar, also boat storage.

Covered and open slips. ENSLEY'S RADIO COMPANY, Bayboro, N. C. SH 5-2351. 19 FOR SALE sailboats.

HILL'S INC. 1720 Downtown Blvd. TE 2-8172. NAUTICAL GIFTS. wm.

Daniels Marine and Photo Supply. 22 W. Hargett St. Telephone TE 2-3729. BOAT CLEARANCE SALE New 1963 Chris-Craft 16 ft.

Ski-Boat, 150 H.P. motor, 41 miles per hour. Special price $2,850. or with a new tandem trailer $3,284.56 Used 21 ft. Barbour, Chrysler marine motor, extra clean.

$1,650. 24 ft. Chris Fiesta, '63 model, sleeps $6,000 18 ft. Commodore with tandem trailer, 80 H.P. Mercury, very nice condition $1,650..

12 ft. Outboard with trailer, 25 H.P. Evinrude 0375 TERMS J. D. McCOTTER, INC.

WASHINGTON, N. C. 25. Business Opportunities SHOE STORE shelving, fixtures and furniture for sale. Will sell all or part.

Call Mr. Beacham, day TE 3-9848, nights and Sundays, 828-4057. 9 PILOT HOUSE Motel and Restaurant, 13 units, restaurant seats 160 people, also 7 room dwelling. For sale at a real bargain. Bruce Cowan, Ph, 695- 9854 Marion, N.

C. 6 WEST RALEIGH -Grocery and meat market with no dead stock. This is a going business being sold on account of health. Need cash for inventory and will finance part or all of fixture valuation. Estimated total price between $15- Call TE 3-6631 day; 787- 3189 nights.

OWNER must sell very profitable restaurant business. Best in Wilmington area. Must have $20,000 cash. Home Realty Wilmington, N. C.

29 GROWING BUSINESS, management service with franchise operation for sale, unlimited -Owner has other interest. Write 10102, Raleigh, N. C. SMALL neighborhood grocery stocks and fixtures, doing good business, reason for selling bad health. Ideal for couple.

734-2744, RE 5-4592, Goldsboro. SACRIFICE, restaurant equipment, used, (Bailey's Cafeteria), 2 cafeteria counters, coffee urns, deal for institution, etc. 13 E. Martin TE 2-5714. 4 MOTELS, to buy sell, see ALEX M.

PARKER Capital Club Bldg. 832-2567. ATTENTION Investors our Blue Ribbon coin operated laundry and cleaning ter can give excellent return on your liberal investment. financing, finest equipment availChoice locations, available, able. Hoffman Machinery, Benson, N.C.

Phone 894-4489. RALEIGH, N. C. 37 3, 1963 25. Business Opportunities Sunoco Service Station For Rent Excellent location in Greenville, N.

C. Avallable now. For information, contact J. G. Green, 1020 Tarboro Rocky Mount, N.

C. 446-6731. 26. Personal Loans LOANS $60, $120, $300, $500 and up Family Finance Accept. Corp.

8 E. Dave St. Phone TE 3-8684 Wachovia's Time Payment Dept. Has Low Bank Rates For You. Personal Loans, FHA Loans, Auto Loans.

Open 'til 5 6 SIGNATURE LOANS $25 to $600 ARRANGED BY PHONE Arrange your loan by phone. Pick the cash at your convenience. No co signers. One-day service 25-MONTH REPAYMENT PLAN You Get Mo. Pmt.

You Get Mo. Pmt. 88.24 5.00 $357.41 $19.00 $124.24 7.00 $446.30 $23.00 $196.97 $11.00 $535.19 $27.00 $273.02 $15.00 $600.00 $29.91 Above payments Include ALL loan charges. DIAL FINANCE CO. Room 204 Alexander Building 133 Fayetteville Street Dial 828-8267 Kiwanians Plan Meet Aft Durham DUF WHAM (AP)-Two officers of Kiwanis International will play major roles in the 43rd annual convention of the Carolinas District of Kiwanis which convenes here '5 unday.

Attending the three-day affair will lye Charles A. (Nick) Swain of Cape: May, N.J., president of Kiwanis International; and Nelson O. Muller of Centreville, a trustee of the International Service Organizations. Avocording to Dr. Arthur Bradsher of Durham, convention chairmam and lieutenant governor of the Fifth Division, president Swain will address the district convention at 10 a.m.

Tuesday in the Central Civic Center. Fuller will be the luncheon speaker on Monday at 1 p.m. at the Jack Tar Hotel, which will be convention headquarters. In addition, Dr. Bradsher announced that two past presidents cd.

Kiwanis International also will 'be present. Both reside within the district, which embraces more than 8,300 members in 129 clubs in tthe two Carolinas. The two are O. Tally Jr. of ville, president in 1960-61; and Dr.

Charles W. Armstrong of Salisbury, president in 1947-48. Truck Wreck Kills Pitt Man MARION Alonza Frederick (Fred) Bright, 22, of Ayden, was killed Wednesday when his trucktrailer rig wrecked on Interstate 40 nine miles east of here. Officers said he apparently fell asleep at the wheel. State troopers said the vehicle was owned by the Cox Trailer Co.

of Grifton. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Bettie Iris Kirkland Bright; one daughter, Beverley of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bright of Newport; two brothers, Earl and Milton of Newport; three sisters, Judy and Gwen Bright, both of Newport, and Mrs.

Shirley Smith of Crestview, and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Alice Bright of Ayden. Estates Filed Fosa E. Langston, who died June 17, left an estate valued at $3,134, according to a preliminary inventory filed Wednesday in Wake Superior Court. Patty Lane Lawrence, who died May 30, left an estate of $2,424.

James Bryant Stephens, who died Aug. 14, left an estate valued at $1,333. Break-ins Probed Police were investigating breakins at two service stations here Wednesday. Amoco Service in the 5600 block of Hillsboro an undetermined amount of change was taken from vending machines. Person's Esso at 5201 Western Blvd.

reported change was taken from a vending machine and $1 in pennies from the cash register. Plant Open House ALBEMARLE-Collins Division Aikman's plant north of Albemarle will hold its first Family Day open house for employes and their families Saturday. Nearly 1,000 employes of the division and approximately 3,000 members of their families are pected to visit the plant during the day. Plant Expanding ALBEMARLE-Jefferies Southern Processors, is now making its second addition to its local plant this year and the fifth since opening here in 1958. Tom Kean, manager, said the new addition will bring the space in this active finishing plant for synthetics to 20,000 square feet, double the space when the plant opened.

Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE Under and by virtue of authority contained in G.S. 18-6 the undersigned officer will offer for sale on October 5, 1963 to the highest bidder the following described vehicle: 1954 Ford 4-door automobile Motor number A4NG167170. To be sold at Garner Town Hall, Garner, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock noon. The sale made as per order of the Judge of Recorders Court of Garner, N. C.

L. C. Puryear, A.B.C. Officer. 3, 4, 27..

Auto Loans AUTO LOANS Financing refinancing. AUTO DISCOUNT. CO. 60! Fayetteville 8-7436. SAVE MONEY: See First-Citizens first for low-cost auto loans.

20 E. Martin Raleigh. AUTO LOANS. AsK US about Lower Bank Rates. "Friendliest Bank in Town." Branch Bank Trust 828-0551.

Auto Loans First Union National Bank 828-8280 28. Real Estate Loans farm loans, 5-25 yrs. Best conBritt, Clinton. 2-2136 day, 2-3141 night. nections.

Over 30 yrs. know M. T. IMPROVE your home with a loan from your North Carolina National Bank Office." MORTGAGE LOANS, FARMS, ALSO ON MODERN HOMES on near Raleigh. Investment Loans.


N. C. 31. Wanted to Buy WE ARE NOW buying new crop wet or dry shelled yellow or white corn FOB our trailers, placed at your farm of delivered. Phone 965-2303.

Gurley Milling Selma, N. C. 13 WANTED 2 good used 5 or 6,000 gallon tanks. Gurley Milling Company, Princeton, N. C.

WILL PAY cash for good used turnk ture, refrigerators and ranges. TE 2-4163. WANTED TO BUY used single and double barrel shot guns. Thorne's, 416 W. South.

TE 2-6840. WANTED: We are now paying top price for Soybeans. Corn, Wheat, Oats Barley, Rye, Milo and all other grains. Gurley Milling Company, Selma, Princeton, N.C. WANT TO BUY land anywhere in Wake County and adjoining counties.

Write P.O. Box 8024, Raleigh. 32. Wanted to Rent WILL RENT or pay small equity for clean house in city or near city. Virginia Realty.

TE 4-8876. RETIRED nurse wishes room, kitchen privileges or efficiency. 787-0265. WE NEED HOUSES and apartments to rent. Have immediate prospects.

Call or see Bob Terry, 517 Hillsboro St. 828-6716, nights 787-2550. 33. Rooms Board MEN, room and board. Near Capitol.

Dial 828-2695. SINGLE room and board for student, blocks of State, 125 Hawthorne Rd. 34. Rooms for Rent GENTLEMAN large room, private bath. Cameron Park, 832-4360.

NICELY furnished room for 2 working girls, close in. Call 833-8302. NICE ROOM for ladies only, 411 New Bern Ave. TE 2-6863 or TE 2-0180. 3 FURN.

business lady or teacher, near State, Village. TE 3-1266. 30 ROOM AND board for men. Adjoining bath. close in.

834-0349. 12 BLOUNT HOUSE Gentleman Wkly, No drinking; clean. 425 N. Blount. 11 LADY or Gentleman, private room, linen furnished.

VA 8-9116. NICE LARGE private room, telephone and linen service. Conven. to downtown. 828-9116.

DAILY OR WEEKLY rates, private baths, phone in rooms, convenient downtown, TV optional. TE 40719. 35. Furnished Apts for Rent 202 GROVELAND, private, well heated, near schools, 4 rooms and bath, clean. TE 2-1879.

IN CARY, 3 baths, patio, fireplace, wooded lot, good neighborhood, $95. 467-9880. MODERN Mobile home, 50x10, 2 bedroom, washing machine, nice location. $90 mo. TE 2-9692 after 6 p.m.

gier PRIVATE Ave. Basem*nt, bus. 3 TE rooms, 2-2340. An- 31 $58. VERY NICE efficiency apt, Men or women, furnished.

adults. Good Lights, location. water, TE 2-5478. heat, gas 3 ROOMS nicely furnished, air condi. tion and heat.

TE 2-1181. HOUSETRAILER, near State College, call between 6 and 7, TE 4-8507. NICE girl to share apt. with 3 others, near Capitol, VA 8-3541 after 5:30. FURNISHED apartments, close In, call TE 2-8418 or TE 4-4711.

30 ROOM upstairs furnished apartment, 110 North Person. 26 kit, bath, $17.50 weekly, Housekeeping rm. $11.00, TE 4-0381. 26 EXTRA NICE 2 bedroom apt. Avail.

soon, near Capital, no drinking, adults only. Heat, lights, T. V. and washing machine furn. TE 2-5478.

NICE 2 bedroom Duplex, air ed, Built in oven, swimming pool. $125 monthly, Must have references. 828-4004, 2 BEDRMS living rm. kitchen, air condition, pool, all utilities, $150 per mo. TE 2-4164.

2-ROOM basem*nt apt. In Garner. 110 Avery $40. EM 2-9719. 2 AND 3 room apts with bath; 10 ml.

S. of Raleigh. Apply Knotty Pine Motor Court, HO 7-4781. FURNITURE RENTALS at reason. ble retes.

HO 7-9224. SOUTHERN FURNITURE Cary, N. C. 36. Unfurnished Apis.

for Rent 3 BEDROOM stove, refrigerator, heat and water furnished. Available immediately. Pho. 828-3608 between 8 and 31 5. NEAR STATE COLLEGE and Cameron Village, 1st floor, 2 bedrm.

stove, $65 TE 2-7979 after 12. ONE BEDROOM apartment, range and refrigerator furnished. No utilities $60. 3005 Leonard St. TE 3-1641.

31 WEST RALEIGH, 2 bedri, duplex, near colleges, buses, $70. TE 11 IDEAL for married college students, stove and refrigerator. Apply Apartment B. 12 Dixie Drive. 30 DUPLEX 2 bedrooms, stove and Cary.

$65. VA 8-2754. 4RM. private entrance, ground floor, 212 S. Dawson.

WEST RALEIGH private 5 room cottage. stove water furnished, coup TE 2-7917 after 6 p.m. NEWLY. DECORATED 3 bedroom duTurner. VA 8-3003.

121 N. BLOUNT, 1st floor, 3 refrig. 6029. stove, heat water furnished, $75. TE NICE 2 bedroom Duplex, air conditioned.

Built in oven, swimming pool. 828- 4004. LUXURY APARTMENT, West Raleigh location, living room. dining room a fully equipped kitchen, air conditioned. Pat Juby, TE 4-1351..

The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)


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Please click here or call us at 1-800-522-4205. Can I subscribe to just newspaper delivery without online newspaper digital access?

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The News & Observer is an American regional daily newspaper that serves the greater Triangle area based in Raleigh, North Carolina. The paper is the largest in circulation in the state (second is the Charlotte Observer).

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Regional and Statewide Reach

In 2020, the N&O reached millions of readers. Online The N&O received over 4.5 million monthly unique visitors and 25.3 million average monthly pageviews. The N&O's daily print circulation was over 68,000, with close to 85,000 on Sundays.

Does Raleigh have a newspaper? ›

The Carolinian. 1504 New Bern Ave. Published: Mon. and Thurs.

How do I get in contact with the news? ›

To find contact information for a newspaper or TV station, search the name of the media outlet online. Find the organization's website and search for an “About Us” or “Contact” tab. Most news organizations publish an email or phone number for tips on stories.

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Phone:+64 3 314 8335
Fax:+64 3 314 8071

Who owns the Raleigh news & Observer? ›

The News & Observer Publishing Co. is owned by The McClatchy Co., one of the nation's leading media companies, headquartered in Sacramento, Calif.

What is the circulation of the Raleigh News and Observer? ›

The Raleigh News & Observer has a daily circulation of 143,599 newspapers, with a Sunday circulation of 194,933.

Which US newspaper has the largest circulation today? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers. This includes more than 3 million digital subscribers as well as 649,000 print subscriptions.

What is the readership of the observer? ›

Fans describe it as: “Intelligent”, “Well written”, “Well argued,” “Informative” and “Interesting”.
TypeSunday Newspaper
Readership549,549 Weekly
Circulation161,984 Print
Cover Price£3.20
Subscribers40,955 paid subscriptions
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Is the observer a daily newspaper? ›

The Observer is a British newspaper published on Sundays.

Who owns the observer newspaper? ›

Guardian Media Group (GMG) owns Guardian News & Media (GNM) - the publisher of the Guardian and Observer newspapers in the UK, and Guardian US and Guardian Australia.

What is the major newspaper in North Carolina? ›

The newspapers with the largest paid circulation are The Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer of Raleigh.

How do I contact Raleigh news & Observer? ›

The News and Observer Phone Numbers and Emails
  1. (704) 358-5029. NC Opinion Editor.
  2. (919) 829-4806. President/Publisher.
  3. (919) 829-4853. Regional HR Business Partner.
  4. (919) 829-4727. Vice President of Audience Development.
  5. (919) 829-4849. Vice President of Finance.

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ABC11 Raleigh-Durham, NC Breaking News and Weather from WTVD. A man was found dead Thursday morning inside a Wilson County home damaged by a tornado. Stream all your favorite shows live.

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To reach our newsroom, call 919-821-8600 or 800-245-WRAL.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.